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The mobile version of Minecraft: The Pros and Cons that every gamer should know


You are not entirely required to have a computer or a gaming console to enjoy Minecraft, because there is now the Minecraft: Pocket edition which is the mobile version of the game.

Minecraft: Pocket Edition is still your favorite build game that is now mainly designed for smartphones and the same devices of that nature because the Minecraft: Pocket Edition is now available for Android, iOS, the Windows Phone, and the Amazon Fire Tablets.

Even though the Minecraft: Pocket Edition is very similar to the regular Minecraft game that can be played in PC and gaming consoles, however, there are many differences that you should be noticing, which include the original Java edition of the game where it is usually often known to as the PC version of Minecraft.

To help you out weigh your decisions to whether or not download the Minecraft: Pocket Edition and the minecraft telecharger, here are some of its most important pros and cons.

Table of Contents


Regardless if you are riding your bus from school to your home or you are at your living room or bedroom, you can enjoy playing Minecraft whenever and wherever you want; just do not play during class hours or during your bed hours in order for you not to be grounded for a week. You can easily access Minecraft’s world in the palm of your hands, unlike turning on your PC or your gaming console and wait for minutes for the game to load.

When it comes to its compatibility, you can play Minecraft: Pocket Edition through different platforms which are generally the same when it comes to the overall gameplay of this video game. The players can still retain the original game modes such as the survival, creative, and the multiplayer modes which makes it even more exciting and it also has a strong parental control and invite-only multiplayer which ensures the game’s child-friendly nature.

Go to this website https://loveminecraft.com/ in order to acquire additional information about Minecraft mobile version.


Despite being a good alternative to the PC and gaming console versions, however, you cannot incorporate third-party mods, neither you can connect to third-party servers, despite the fact that you can purchase in-app resources and skins for your character.

The pocket edition is also the last updated version of Minecraft, and worse they cannot interact with other players who uses the Java edition of Minecraft which makes this limitation not to bother most of the gamers, however, they could even become deal breakers if you badly want to play with your friends.

Bottom line

The mobile version of Minecraft is a great game to play especially when you do not want to get bored when you are going nowhere and you do not have your PC or gaming console with you, however, it has its own limitations that is why you should set your expectations as well, but nevertheless the game is still as enjoyable as the ones you usually play, if you want to download this game, click here now.